
Thought provoking contratrian ideas for the modern world using lessons learnt from eastern philosophy, old schools of thought and modern leaders.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Value Added

In various conferences and Industry shows, as well as Leadership seminars, we often hear this term "Value Added". It all sounds good if the metrics to measure the "value" is simple one or two dimensional parameters.

But, in reality, the term "Value" is multi dimentional complex array and juggling those value elements and adding more to those, without loosing out on another value element is the true "Value Addition".

For example, in companies, we add value to one division or one product line but the other divisions or product lines suffer growth since the focus is skewed. This is not true value added.

In guiding our children, we focus on the area(s) of interest the child is performing well. But, are we focusing on over all growth? Something to think about. The child may be performing extremely well in academics, but show no interest in sports/games which build up physical and mental strength to the child. Or the behavioral pattern may not be encouraging.

In building relationships, we add more people to our circle of influence. But are we loosing some to the circle of concern or even out of that circle (Refer to Steven Covey's Seven Habbits Book).

So, next time, when you hear the term Value Added - just attach the word "Overall" or "Total" before that term and read as "Total Value Added". Then things will come into perspective.


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