
Thought provoking contratrian ideas for the modern world using lessons learnt from eastern philosophy, old schools of thought and modern leaders.

Friday, July 30, 2010

We neeed to promote "FaceLook"

In this so called "well connected" world, everyone is leading a lonely life. While we spend lot of time surfing the net, be in FaceBook, Twitter, etc. and trying to connect to someone across the globe, or trying to find high school friend, we are totally disconnecting ourselves from our neighbor. We do not know what is going on in our own backyard, who is doing what and we stay disconnected for days without looking at anyone or without making a phone call to know the welfare of our friends or families.
What the society needs is a FaceLook. Look at the face of our own "Circle of influence" (as referred by Mr. Stephen Covey) often and take part in their happiness and sorrows. FaceLook not only builds healthy society but also a truely "well connected" one.
FaceLook is a not an old technology. It is a renewed methodology for the so-called "modern well connected world". It is the need for the current situation and hour. And yes, FaceLook does not have a website or an e-mail address !!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Meaning of Life by Rajinikanth in Movie Darma durai

Every Rajnikanth movie will contain atleast one or two excellent pieces of advise for the mankind. One such dialog is from the movie Darma Durai.

வாழ்க்கைன்றது பிறப்புக்கும் இறப்புக்கும் இடைல இருக்கற ஒரு சின்ன இடைவெளி. அதுல ஒருத்தருக்கு ஒருத்தர் ஒத்துமையா, சதி பண்ணாம, உதவி பண்ணிக்கிட்டு முன்னேரறவன் தான் மனுஷன். எல்லாரும் மனுஷனா வாழ முதல்ல கத்துக்கணும்.

"Life is nothing but a small interval between birth and death. In that interval one who is friendly, without deceiving and, helping others is the true human being. We all should learn to be a human first."

मांगाया उस्ताद

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Knowledge can come at any time and from any corner

When I was standing in line to buy some goodies (which I forgot to bring to share with you all) at Grand Sweets Adayar, there was a small poster at the cash counter which caught my attention. The wordings were so nice that made me to stand there and memorize which I am sharing with you all.

கோபமாய் பேசினால் குணத்தை இழப்பாய்
அதிகமாய் பேசினால் அமைதியை இழப்பாய்
வெட்டியாய் பேசினால் வேலையை இழப்பாய்
வேகமாய் பேசினால் அர்த்தத்தை இழப்பாய்
ஆணவமாய் பேசினால் அன்பை இழப்பாய்
பொய்யாய் பேசினால் பெயரை இழப்பாய்

சிந்தித்து பேசினால் சிறப்பாய் இருப்பாய்