
Thought provoking contratrian ideas for the modern world using lessons learnt from eastern philosophy, old schools of thought and modern leaders.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Money and India.

Had a wonderful trip to Trichi, Kumbakonam, Kulithalai. Life there has not changed a whole lot but I see technology everywhere. A good lunch in Kumbakonam costed Rs 20.00 only and yes people are still respectful. Small homes, lots and lots of temples and as soon as we stepped in those towns, immense peace came into the minds. May be this is what philosophers call it connecting with yourself! Having lived in small township for 20+ years in childhood, no wonder, I did not have any starting trouble right from first minute in those towns. This time, intentionally I travelled in regular bus from Kumbakonam to Trichi with my Parents. Stopped in the middle and enjoyed the hot hot ground nuts and tea (yes - they supply tea in disposible paper cups even in small towns in India). What a life! Schools have imporved everywhere and lifestyle is little better.

One sad thing though - we saw quite a few small villages with very poor living standards, people living below poverty line. On one side we celebrate economic success- on the other side, we still have majority of population living below their means. Like Mahatma Gandhi told - the true India is in Villages. Amid all these, there is a peace which we need to search for in big cities.

In my birth place, I still see people not locking their doors during day time - nothing to fear for.
How do we get that life of simplicity and facility of modern world! Don't know the answer yet. - When I read the book by Suki Sivam, I realize that, you need to be yourself to get that peace wherever you are.

My driver was asking me the cost of the sneakers that I bought in Foley's during sale. I mentioned to him the cost ($29.99 in sale=Rs 1200.00). He told me that he recently bought one Nike in India for Rs 5000.00!! What is his monthly income - Rs 5500.00 in a good month!!!


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