
Thought provoking contratrian ideas for the modern world using lessons learnt from eastern philosophy, old schools of thought and modern leaders.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Unity and Co-operation.

Thoughts from Gita by Sri Velukudi Krishan in his lecture "Kannanian Aramudhu".
Families have to be like Clouds. Clouds if they are together, they cannot be drifted away by strong winds. If they split, then even a slight wind can drift pieces of clouds to whaterver direction it needs to be taking. This is also exhibited by the story that my father tells in our childhood about how brothers and sisters should be united through the wood pieces. When they are together the bunch cannot be broken easily but if they are seperated, then can be easily broken.

But the speciality of this Clouds example, exhibits more of realism. By listening to outsiders, we see in stories how the siblings, family members drift away in different directions. By their own non-cooperative mentality, we see in stories how brothers fight and split the properties. So, Gita explains well through the Clouds which we see every day, how we should live. Standing example is the Maha Bharata itself. The Kurukshetra war is the cause of seperation of clouds in the same family. After all, Pandavas and Kauravas are from same family. If only they had shared their kingdom and wealth, there would have been no place for Kurukshetra war.

Does this apply only to Families. No, it applies to any organized group - whether naturally organized or man-made.


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