
Thought provoking contratrian ideas for the modern world using lessons learnt from eastern philosophy, old schools of thought and modern leaders.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Poorva - An Excellent Reading on Alwars.

Here is a great book that I just completed reading. A book that can be read in 9 sittings for children and adult as well if you want to take it in small doses. Otherwise one can read in one sitting.

Though we all know that there are 12 Alwars and knew bits and pieces of information, this book explains in a simple, story like fashion the facts about all of these 12 great saints of Vaishnavism.
When you read this book, you will really be taken back in time.

Honestly I learnt a lot from this book than in the years of listening about Alwars. I should also admit that one has to read and read again to internalize the facts packed in this book, which I intend to do.

I have got a copy of the book. Also, please read the review below and I was fortunate to be in India on the day this was released and I got a book autographed by the Author.


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