
Thought provoking contratrian ideas for the modern world using lessons learnt from eastern philosophy, old schools of thought and modern leaders.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Our job is to dream big! Rest will be taken care of!!

Often times we study in management and motivational books to dream big. We ignore that as something too hypothetical statement. But it is so true. It is true not only in accomplishing success in material life but also in spiritual life.

Last year, I had mentioned in one of my blogs that visiting and doing Anga Pradkashanam at Thirupathi should be conceived and then it will be blessed. If we put a mental block saying that it is too difficult to do so, then it would be difficult to do so.

Same thing happened this year. I was dreaming one day that I would visit Shirdi. Never had an idea how and when I am going to accomplish that considering the schedule. Last year my sister and one of our friends went and they explained how they went. Idea became solid. Then few months, one of our relatives mentioned that she can make all arrangements and she did. Bingo. We just completed three day trip from Pune covering Shirdi, Nasik-Panchavadi, Jothilingam temple, Trayambakeshwar, Shani Shingnapur and magarpatta city and returned to Bangalore.

Never stop dreaming. Dream and you will be given all the help to make it reality. In sanskrit this is what exactly is mentioned "Prathignyai".


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